Candidate Care during the Pandemic

Workers have regularly been reminded of the Covid19 symptoms, providing them with links to up to date government guidance in respect of when to seek a test and the periods of self isolation required. We have also identified who, out of our database of workers, is considered vulnerable or has dependants who are considered vulnerable. This allows for us to have open, honest and considered conversations with those workers about risk as the pandemic evolves.
We have asked our clients for absolute transparency should they have any Covid 19 related concerns on site so that we can forward this information on to the worker, ensuring they are fully informed when deciding whether or not to accept the assignment. Clients have also been reminded that any PPE used by their usual workforce needs to be made available to our workers so that they too can protect themselves as much as possible while at work.
We are endeavoring to minimise the number of different client sites that workers are being placed at to limit the potential for cross contamination between sites.
Before booking workers on to assignments, we do a verbal check in with them to ensure they are not suffering any Covid related symptoms. We have a robust system for recording information and where workers have to self isolate, we record this on our system so that we are aware of when exactly that worker would be deemed safe enough to return to work. Before being placed back out at work, one of our team have an in depth conversation with them to confirm they are safe to return.
Communication is critical at a time like this and the team have been busy keeping in touch with all workers either by telephone or email to simply check in with them and provide them with ongoing support. We know that the pandemic has been a challenging time for many, and that it has effected people in many different ways. We want our workers to know that we are here for them. We are working hard to continue to provide as many workers as possible with work opportunities during the pandemic, and we are here should they need a chat or some support.
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Nineteen Recruitment